"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Friday, March 15, 2019

A few words (and a link) about her….and a tad more

Here’s the link to her:  Ms Peggy Noonan and one of the few simply good “writings worth reading” versus most all of the nonsense on tv – the internet – and several other forms of press/speech/whatever nonsense of today that we the people pay for as we buy the “crap” that advertises endlessly.

Ms Noonan gets it – and yes, this guy telling you this knows of a few others who simply get it.  Unfortunately they are part of a costly group of nincomPOOPs that don’t get it but they do get our attention and our earning piddling away 24/7 capabilities of today.

Ms Noonan makes a simple suggestion at the end of her offering above – folks all this guy can say is – wow, if only it were historically that simple.   Then we might pass on to others that which others passed on to us – we the people – probably never expecting us to be so stupid!

Yes, we know, most of us are not stupid but we also know this – most of us are putting up with and even supporting the nonsense of today – our founders and a lot of good young men who gave all over the years simply did not.

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