We liken what we see going on with the democrats as rather
similar to a drunk fatso driving home after one more repetitive gathering of
too much everything driven by a basic repetitive form of human being
misbehavior – it’s called no self discipline.
We learned some self discipline as a kid – ditto for our neighbor’s
kids – with a few exceptions. Many of those
exceptions didn’t do all that well as time catches up with misbehavior.
Folks if you still vote for ‘em – know that they no longer
pretend to love competitive democracy – they simply want governments they
oversee overseeing us – darn near 100% of the time. They now are almost 100% supportive of socialism denying the one sure consequence of it – it fails – big time. A lot of our
good young men – good young American men – gave all to never let it happen here
at home.
For those of you who vote for them – we doubt you are going
to enjoy the ride. History tells us where
the ride will end up. We ask you…have you
any realization about this certain impending crash?
The one constant ongoing 100% of the time thing that accompanies
any drunk driving and misbehaving is – the drunk(s) ain’t responsible for what
they do – what happens – who gets hurt – or much else because they are not even
aware of their drunken nonsense – until it’s too late.
They blame others – democrats blame republicans – and conservatives
– and the larger gang of us who simply know one thing – a fundamental – America
is not founded on the smelly democrats/stupid republicans/overpaid fatso nonproductive
bureaucrats and one more thing –
DEBT – massive amounts
of nonrepaid DEBT we stick our kids with
We are mostly based on something vastly simpler – more basic
– more fundamental – we are self responsible – not dependent on others much
less government nonsense – and, yes, we pay back what we owe others.
The reason democrats drive like drunken fools and blame
others is rather simple – they have already built the one sure thing that self
destructs – massive unrepayable DEBT – and they simply need to hold someone
else accountable.
We ask you – when their DEBT GAME BLOWS UP – if you voted
for them – who are you gonna hold accountable?
Even better – who are your kids going to?
1 comment:
It is nice to see you are back to questioning the deficit, but ignoring the reality that the debt has exploded due to the tax cuts in 2018 is odd. I do not think the argument that the Democrats drive the deficit has weight any longer.
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