"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Sunday, October 16, 2022

America’s disaster… materialism’s costly affair of unneeded overpriced crap from governments…

... attorneys… politicians… bureaucracy… other overpaid nonproductive smellyones (turds)

Sorry the above ⬆️ words from this gettin’ old ornery fella… goof… do describe  factually and thoroughly how trillions of dollars are pooped away.   Dollars once worth $1.00… now worth penny’s - $0.01’s!

I, goof, share the ⬆️ “nonsense” wisdom… butt it’s ignored.   Folks we have let materialism do to America what our founders/fighters simply wouldn’t.  That’s a fact Jack.

Freedom ain’t free… it requires 24/7 RESPONSIBILITY!  Those few words… they’re worth a fortune!

Our fundamentals are ⬇️ :

·      Materialism stinks… P U!   Doinwithout is the road to heaven… on earth

·      Volunteerin’ – no such thing as freedom without volunteerin’ and RESPONSIBILITY

·      Borrow occasionally as needed – pay back on time + interest!   Unrepaid DEBT… a no-no

·     This one's tough – kill the enemy before the enemy kills us – really tough

·     Education, kids, obey laws… yeah!   Work hard... repeat daily⬆️.    Appreciation required… nope !

·     Watch/follow/teach… The Magnificent Seven… One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest… The Lone Ranger and Tonto

o   Can’t beat the above ⬆️… 1 – 7…one to seven + 2

o   … that’s about it folks!




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