"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dis' gettin’ old ornery fella… goof… shares his uncertainty’s

Folks this mess we’re in is apparently under correction… well at least as the last two (2) days in the various stock exchanges rises would simply support that analysis.  Is that a fact?  Well, goof kinda doubts it… and here’s why:

·         I simply ain’t got a clue or even a piece of tiny brain confidentiality that what’s going on is anything other than history repeating itself as we Homo sapiens pretend to not realize…

o   … we’ve been on history’s repetitive path to self-destruction

o   History books love and enjoy repeating reality

o   Yes, that’s a fact, Jack!

·         The mess is simply described by me in just a few words… here they are:

o   Materialism… its a very short-term life span for the many… not the few

o   Assets and property and related values… folks… did you ever notice that this shit (oops, my computer simply grasped and rearranged the letters I offered it…)

o   So, what are we gonna do…

·        Well please read on… it ain’t all that tough to answer that unanswerable uncertainty question or two we just shared above…

·         Society’s do in fact mostly… not entirely… come and go… leave… depart… disappear…

o   That’s a fact, Jack

o   However, materialism ain’t about to mention that fact…

o   … yes, that’s a fact, Jack. 

·        Materialism lives and dies off avoidance and revisions of reality.   In other few words… materialism lives off baloney and bull shit (OOP’s that time it was moi… me… goof… simply sharing 80+ years of reality… Mom's womb… delivery and a few other… ups… any many… downs… )

Folks in less than 275 words above ⬆️ goof has shared his uncertainty’s that history simply repeats… endlessly.  Keep it in mind… even history occasionally states… offers… demands… accountability.




 * goof's simple definition - doin' without

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