"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Americans need to realize..."

Don’t you just love it when the people who work for us – the public servants, speak down to us?  Don’t you just love it when they start out their brilliant observations with introductory comments such as – “Americans need to know”, or, “Americans need to understand” or “the people should recognize...”   Well, this brief essay is one persons response to arrogant, condescending blather flowing like detritus from the mouths of coddled, highly paid public employees who don’t have much of a clue about just how much we Americans do grasp, recognize and understand.

"We will do our very best to think through the best security possible, but we can't keep people behind 20-foot walls (Comment from TheFundamentals – have you been to any embassies recently?) and expect them to do their jobs…Americans need to realize (emphasis added) our civilians serving our country are putting their lives on the line…in this inherently risky and dangerous world."

This is Mrs. Clinton’s recent observation about the killing of four Americans overseas.  Mrs. Clinton, here is what many Americans realize –

You, Mrs. Clinton, your boss, Mr. Obama, your fellow cabinet members and many of your associates, assistants and assistants to associates enjoy a very high level of convenience, security and accoutrements that are not enjoyed by very many citizens, regardless of their jobs, community standing or personal risk exposure.

These costly accoutrements are provided to you at the expense of, and in many cases at the inconvenience of, those very Americans who “need to realize....”

Perhaps a slight turn around in your language would be both appropriate and logical.  To wit, try this on – “We in government make decisions and then expect others to carry out these decisions.  In many cases there are so many layers of assistants and associates that the “carrying out” bears no resemblance to the initial decision – not in word, not in intent; not in practice.  This is what Americans need to realize.  By the time it leaves my office – gets to my first assistant – then on to his/her associate – to be presented to a committee which meets on the first Tuesday following the last week of the fourth quarter unless it is a public holiday in which case it is deferred to the last Monday of the preceding month, things sometimes go awry.

In other words, what you could have said Mrs. Clinton was, “I don’t have a clue what is going on.  When can I quit?”

To that end, at least this one American has both an answer and a realization – Soon, Mrs. Clinton, very soon we hope.  Perhaps as soon as November 6, 2012.  Don’t be bashful in recognizing that we citizens will be okay when you leave.  We will survive, without your dedication and brilliance.  We encourage you to take with you – Ben Bernanke, Timmy Geithner, Leon Panetta (you know him as Mr. Bureaucrat) and the ever so delightful, Janet Napolitano.  God speed to you all.  Thank you for your service.  Enjoy those pension checks.  We hope you and your friends realize that many of us worked very hard for a long time to make your retirement so comfortable.


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