"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trickle Down Government

Boy, is politics fun – expensive fun but nevertheless anyone with any interest in this magnificent republic of ours has just got to go away from last night with a sense that we will persevere, rise again and get our mojo back.  No one guy or gal; even one with a currency printing press and some goofy, misguided economic policies based on personal fears can derail this powerful engine of prosperity and achievement.

A couple of specifics –

·         Anyone who thinks the long run game of having a complacent and compliant press in your corner – a press that refuses to challenge power – to question policy and actions – in other words to do its job; is a good thing just got a firsthand lesson of why Obama and his minions would have been much better served with a real press challenging him over the last four years instead of America’s slobbering Hollywood media.

·         The five son’s remark is classic – because it illustrates in living color that Romney the man is a fellow who does not get sucked into easy come solutions sold by pandering politicians to entitled and expecting voters.  He neither offers those solutions nor buys into them when confronted with them.

·         Telling the entitled moderator who has fed at the public trough for decades that his subsidy is about to end is the best recent example of vertebrae strength and testicular weight that we have observed in a long, long time.

·         $90 billion of Obama subsidies for green energy against the $2.8 billion for oil companies that Obama keeps whining about.  We enjoyed this one for a very particular reason – Obama had the audacity (think Nixon claiming he was not a crook) to say anyone who knows him knows he is not a whiner – well, hello, we have a whiner in chief at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.

·         And our last observation – these pages owe their beginning to the promiscuity of one of America’s bad presidents – George W. Bush and his four congresses.  Why?  Our founding principle:  deficits = debt = destruction.  Mr. Romney put it right on the line; early in the debate.  He called the debt “IMMORAL.”  He said it is immoral to place debt on our children and our grandchildren.   He said it is immoral to expect them to pay the interest charges and repay the debt.  MR. ROMNEY IS RIGHT.  MR. OBAMA IS WRONG.

Why did we call this brief post – trickle down government?  Well, we can’t take credit for it.  Kim Strassel at the Wall Street Journal made the observation that whoever thought up that slogan should get a raise.  We agree.  The imagery is classic.


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