"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spreading the Malarkey Around

Joe Biden says Paul Ryan dispenses a bunch of malarkey.  Well,  after you spend a few minutes with this essay and video, you decide.

The video captures Michigan’s three principal elected officials – Jennifer Granholm, former governor; Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin, senators and their favorite white house occupier and his brilliant energy czar – Senor Chu promoting a malarkey conspiracy based on one of Obama's green energy investments - A123 Systems.

These highly regarded and well paid malarkey spreaders not only deliver “whoppers” including exaggerated claims and false representations but they unwittingly provide an answer to anyone wondering why the state of Michigan is an economic disaster. By the way, Michigan’s sister state and the home of our president , Illinois, has pedal to the metal to follow Michigan’s proven disastrous leadership combination of democrat politicians, their union masters and tens of thousands of bureaucrats.  

Please watch and listen –

63,000 jobs!!!  It is simply a lie – a very, very big lie.   Oops, we mean a "whopper."  More malarkey quotes from the Obama gang –

  • “I’m calling to congratulate A123 systems on this tremendous milestone.”  Obama
  • “Michigan becomes the advanced battery capitol of North America.” Granholm
  • Hundreds of employees today, thousands by next year.”  Levin
  • Having the innovation happening right here in the United States.”  Stabenow

The quotes are from just last year.  Here is the quote from today's homepage of A123’s website – “…A123 and its U.S. subsidiaries have filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.”  Obama's answer to our energy problem just went bankrupt - one year after receiving glorious praise for its imaginary results.

Does anyone remember Barack and the silly Axelrod making up "malarkey" campaign ads about Romney and his bankrupt “Bain” companies?  This one is real folks.  This bankruptcy is very real and it happened entirely on Obama’s watch.  Obama funded the company (no, not with his money), ballyhooed its make believe accomplishments and now gets to pass along one more bad debt to overburdened taxpayers.  We know Romney can't say it because the Hollywood media will pillory him if he does, so we will say it – the dwindling number of taxpayers in America get to pick up one more Obama bad debt.

Here is one more Obama “whopper” that the media will not cover even though it just occurred during last Monday’s debate.  Here is what Obama said about Romney and the auto company bailouts – you (Romney) said let them go bankrupt – no federal aid or assistance for the auto companies.  Here is the exact quotation from the Romney article on auto bankruptcy which Obama said didn't exist –
“The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.”  Mitt Romney, November 18, 2008, published in the NYTimes

The bold/underlining is ours - you can check out the article for yourselves at:  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/opinion/19romney.html

Will Obama correct himself?  C’mon.  Will Candy Crowley show up to correct Obama at his next campaign stop?  C'mon.  It’s okay for the president of the United States to drop a whopper in order to get some Ohio car worker votes.  It’s okay for the media to ignore the whopper.  After all, it’s just “malarkey.”

The pot calls the kettle black.  The American president "airbrushes" recent events to get a few more votes.  And he thinks others respect him?  Bet he's got some A123 stock he will sell you.

It’s time for a change.

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