"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making Money Off Debt

Let us imagine for a minute that you are an American propagandist – actually own a company in the business of figuring out how best to sell something to an audience and you are not restrained in any way – don’t have to tell the truth, much less the whole truth, about what you are selling or what the other gals and guys are selling – you can literally say anything you wish to about your product, makes no difference if what you say is true or accurate or complete.   And you can say anything you wish to about the other product(s).   Makes no difference if what you say is factual or even accurate.  The libel and slander laws essentially do not apply.

Now while you are doing this figuring out how to sell your product you also are in the business of making money – lots of money.  We are not talking hundreds of thousands of dollars for yourself and your partners, we are talking millions – lots of millions of dollars just for managing a message and getting that managed message out into the media and be free of consequences in the process. 

Almost sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?

Now, let’s get specific – your product is deficit spending and debt – and not just a little debt – the biggest, largest, hugest ever pile of debt.  That is what you want your audience to buy – one big stinking pile of debt.  The other guys are selling little or no deficits and debt – what used to be called “balanced budgets” and living within ones means and paying as we go. 

Which product would you rather be selling?  Deficits and debt or discipline – balanced budgets?   Remember, you can be undisciplined in selling undisciplined behavior – say almost anything you want to say!

AKPD Message and Media is selling deficits, debt and the one sure thing that comes from their debt and deficits that they will never mention – destruction.  And here is how they plan to sell you on debt – they will say the other guys and gals – the ones who are selling balanced budgets and discipline are bad people.  No one likes them.  They stand in the way of change.  And hope.  And moving forward.  They are the unpopular ones.  They are the bad guys.   They don’t care about the old and sick – the poor and lame.  Don’t vote for them – vote for us – the good guys – the ones with hope and change going for us – the ones who care.

They will never mention debt – the burden of debt – the ultimate outcome of debt which is destruction.  They will talk about hope and change; moving forward and the bad people – the ones who stand in their way – the republicans – the ones who suggest discipline but we doubt that AKPD will ever mention discipline.

How much selling will AKPD have to do to make it work?  Not much – they already have a 51% coalition of blacks, Latinos and white gals who don’t seem to care about deficits and debt.   Why don’t they care you may ask?  Complicated answer because not all have the same reason(s) – some think it is their due – their time to get a piece of the pie regardless of consequence – some see it as too good to be true but why question free stuff; grab it while it’s there and some just don’t think – they just do.  They have been trained to do what they are told.

Here is our question?  No, it’s not about who will win, at least not today.  We would like to know how much AKPD is being paid to sell deficits and destruction under the guise of blaming the republicans for everything?    That’s all.   AKPD is managing a message and darn near the entire media complex buys it (at least the portion we call – the Hollywood media) and they have set out to change the world - and here is what their founder says about change:

“CHANGE IS SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO FIGHT FOR.  Change is never easy.  We are going to have to work for every vote.  The change we need is worth the struggle.  It’s worth the fight.”  – David Axelrod, Founder

We get it David – it’s worth the fight.  We just want to know how much is it worth to you? 


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