"The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Events, circumstances, occasions, situations, occurrences, happenstances…

…and their various effect(s) on our own life and the lives of others.

I am almost done reading a very recent history book about three of our founders.  The book is entitled – The Patriots.  Its author is a man named Winston Groom – pls read about him here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Groom

Now before I write or say – even ponder anything having to do with politicians, bureaucrats and others I regularly refer to as overpaid nonproductive nincomPOOPs – let me make a suggestion if you love America and owe America so much as do I – pls go to:  https://obits.al.com/obituaries/mobile/obituary.aspx?n=winston-francis-groom&pid=196822274 and read Mr. Groom’s life story.  Here’s one more:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/18/books/winston-groom-dead-forrest-gump.html

I had no idea when I started to write the few words about The Patriots that the author had recently left.  I had a bit of an idea about Mr. Groom’s life and his accomplishments.  A bit and now I simply make a statement without mentioning the name(s) of any of the many POOPs that now fill us endlessly – cost us massively – with their endless stupidity and other output blasts of what I call smellystuff.   Mr. Groom deserves our respect and also our commitment to do everything we – each of us – can do for America just as did our founders and fighters – no they sure didn’t always get along – over the years.

Thank you.

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